What Are The Numbers Telling Us
In the first half of 2017, we have responded to requests for help 582 times in our office. The majority of our clients are 27 years or older, and 340 of our clients were married. The number of teens is very small. This tells us our clientele has changed over the years and are at different stages of their lives than those who sought our help were when Birthright was founded.
The greatest needs have been for diapers, baby supplies such as wipes and bottles, baby clothes and formula. This tells us that many of our clients are experiencing poverty and may be struggling to meet basic needs.
Our greatest number of referrals, 283, came to us from WIC (Women’s, Infants and Children’s nutrition and food program) , and over 100 from Social Services and other agencies. This tells us that government support does not always meet the needs of those struggling. We are often called upon to help make up the difference.